Maximizing our impact locally, nationally, and globally
It is my judgment, therefore, that we should not make it difficult for people who are turning to God.
It is my judgment, therefore, that we should not make it difficult for people who are turning to God.
— Acts 15:19
The time is now.
Over the course of 30 years, God took the sacrifice of a small group of people and turned it into an expanding network of outward-facing churches all over the world.

Every number has a name.
Every name has a story.
Every story matters to God.
A Note from Andy
Thirty years ago, a group of families left the comfort and security of several established churches around Atlanta to launch a new church. We were well aware that the last thing Atlanta needed was another church. But we were convinced Atlanta needed a different kind of church—an outward-facing church. A church that embraced the posture and tone of Jesus. A church that partnered with believers to reach their unchurched friends and family. And by God’s grace, it worked.
And it continues to work.
Today we are one church with eight campuses scattered around north metro Atlanta. Over 70,000 adults, students, and children call one of our churches home. Twenty years ago, we launched a church partner network that has grown to include just under 100 churches in the US. We’ve launched four international church networks that resource more than 100 churches in Latin America, South Africa, Australasia, the United Kingdom, and Ireland. Thousands of church leaders have embraced our model and leverage our resources.
But we’re not done.
Because there’s so much more to do.
We have more opportunity than ever before to impact the church and church leaders. This is why we’re launching Deeper/Wider—an organization-wide generosity initiative designed to maximize our generosity personally and collectively in order to maximize our impact locally, nationally, and globally.
Like me, and like every member of my family, you have a story of how our church has impacted your relationship with Christ. Deeper/Wider will allow us to multiply stories like yours all around the world.
I hope you will prayerfully consider your participation in this unique and strategic kingdom endeavor.
Andy Stanley

100% Engagement
Our primary goal and desire is for everyone who calls one of our metro-Atlanta churches home to prayerfully consider how God may be leading them to trust him deeper in terms of their personal financial generosity.
Mission Advancement
Our secondary goal is to have a wider impact collectively through mission advancement. Our plan for doing this includes three categories: Transformation, Expansion and Innovation.
What We’re Doing Now
Funding our current local and national churches to continue creating irresistible church environments for adults, children, and students
More of What We’re Doing Now
Expanding our local, national, and global impact through church planting and partnerships
What’s Never Been Done Before
Investing in physical and digital initiatives to engage people in the life and mission of our local and partner churches
Current Reality
Where we are today…
8 Metro-Atlanta Churches
Impacting 70,000 adults, students, and kids
Reaching 12,400 new people a year
Serving 86 community partners
97 National Church Partners
Impacting 550,000 adults, students, and kids
116 International Church Partners
Impacting 94,000 adults, students, and kids
Future Projections
Where we hope to be in 10 years…
10 Metro-Atlanta Churches
Impacting 110,000 adults, students, and kids
Reaching 18,000 new people a year
Serving 110 community partners
350 National Church Partners
Impacting 1,800,000 adults, students, and kids
650 International Church Partners
Impacting 526,000 adults, students, and kids
How This Works
The Deeper/Wider initiative is a two-year journey. During these two years, every gift given to North Point Ministries will be used both to continue our ongoing ministries and to invest in the vision God has given us for the future. Both priorities will be part of a single budget, set by the elders, in response to commitments we make during the Deeper/Wider initiative.
What’s Next
We’re asking you to join us on a spiritual journey with God, to take the largest step of generosity you’ve ever taken, as we move together to take the largest step of faith we’ve ever taken.

Ready to Commit to the Vision?
This is a special moment in our church's history. What God is doing is truly miraculous. We believe he will still move in mighty ways and is asking us to join him, challenging us to expand our vision and deepen our impact.
The progress made because of your generosity is extraordinary, but it's only a glimpse of what's possible when we fully surrender to what God wants to do. Let's step out in faith, seize this opportunity to fully surrender to him, and transform lives for his kingdom together.
Ready to be part of all that God's doing in and through us?