
This is our opportunity to advance the mission of the church locally, nationally, and globally.

Woodstock City Church NPM Digital Woodstock City Church NPM Digital

Tim and Maureen Goodwin

When we consider how much North Point’s ministries have blessed us and our family, we are filled with gratitude. We know the message of good news of great joy for all people is one that would resonate with our extended family, friends from other states, and ultimately the world. What better way to leverage our gifts with a grateful heart than to benefit not only those we love but also those we have never met? Let’s further our reach with Jesus’s message and take it deeper and wider than our church has ever gone!

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Gwinnett Church NPM Digital Gwinnett Church NPM Digital

Andy and Caroline Hahn

We are truly excited to engage in the Deeper/Wider vision and initiative because it gives us an incredible opportunity to reflect the love of Christ. It challenges us to be selfless and outward focused by reaching more of God’s people. We have been so grateful and blessed to be a part of Gwinnett Church and how the church and community of Jesus followers have helped influence us, our marriage and our children into the young adults they are today. We believe that the teachings and various group environments have made a huge impact personally and we are eager to see others experience God’s love, grace, forgiveness and compassion in the same way we have. It’s an honor to join in expanding our church, deepening our faith and witnessing how wide the growth God will bring. We can’t wait to see how he will use us to go deeper and wider in his name.

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Woodstock City Church NPM Digital Woodstock City Church NPM Digital

Tony and Lynn Ward

We’re excited about the Deeper/Wider vision and initiative because we see it as an opportunity for us to partner with other Jesus followers in our network of churches in helping to fulfill the Great Commission. In a recent message at WCC, we were told that “there is a direct relationship between following in the way of Jesus and unleashing our potential for good.” For us Deeper/Wider is a catalyst for unleashing an incredible amount of good in our community, our nation, and our world.

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Hamilton Mill Church NPM Digital Hamilton Mill Church NPM Digital

Kevin and Brittney Kirkpatrick

We are excited to see just how far this environment that we love can spread. Our church has become so important to our young family that it’d be selfish not to want to help more people have similar experiences. These are some ambitious goals, but given all that we’ve pulled off already as an organization they’re certainly within reach!

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Browns Bridge Church NPM Digital Browns Bridge Church NPM Digital

Kelly and Danlyn Miller

We have been attending and serving at North Point Ministries for almost 25 years. We believe the Deeper/Wider initiative is one of the boldest and most important ambitions ever conceived by our church. As our country and culture rapidly change, the always critical need to share the good news of Jesus increases by the same degree. To be effective in the face of such significant cultural change, however, it requires creativity and a new paradigm through which we engage the broad coalition of those who don’t know Jesus. The new initiative has the potential to change the way the church lives out the commands of Jesus and in doing so, change the way we all follow Jesus.

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Decatur City Church NPM Digital Decatur City Church NPM Digital

Joni and John Per-Lee

We are most excited about the opportunity for Decatur City Church to have its own facilities where we can reflect the unique characteristics and needs of the Decatur community. We are also excited about digital solutions that will allow people to identify and connect with North Point programs that meet their specific needs. Hopefully, we then have the opportunity to care for them and introduce them to Jesus.

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North Point Community Church NPM Digital North Point Community Church NPM Digital

Cliff and Stacy Robinson

This church changed our lives. We are grateful… we are grateful for how the ministries of North Point have added to our walk of faith. We are grateful for the influence and impact North Point has had on our children’s walk of faith and now our grandchildren. We are honored to participate and partner in the ministry of Deeper/Wider to expand this ministry.

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Browns Bridge Church NPM Digital Browns Bridge Church NPM Digital

Joe and Inga Moffitt

We are most excited about the opportunity to see the Deeper/Wider vision come to life through this capital campaign. It is inspiring to think about how this initiative will create space and resources to better serve our community and expand God’s kingdom. Being part of something that will impact future generations for Christ fills us with tremendous hope and joy. It is indeed our privilege to join hands with others to make this vision a reality.

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East Cobb Church NPM Digital East Cobb Church NPM Digital

Jon and Molly Vaughan

We are excited to be able to come alongside what God is doing in the community and in the world through the vision of Deeper/Wider. Our lives have been so affected by the many programs and leaders at North Point Ministries, allowing us to learn to better engage with the teachings of Jesus, leading our lives, our marriage and our children into growing relationships with Jesus Christ. To be able to partner in the vision of Deeper/Wider allows us to take part in God’s plan to grow the church not just in our community but in the world. The thought of future generations continuing to hear the message of Jesus in an accessible way gives us great hope for the future of the church and that we will get to see “Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done."

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Buckhead Church NPM Digital Buckhead Church NPM Digital

David and Laura McDaniel

We are excited to engage in the Deeper/Wider initiative to provide effective and proven places, both physical and online, where people can come and learn that God loves them unconditionally and has provided, through Jesus, reconciliation and a better way to live.

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What gets you most excited about engaging in the Deeper/Wider vision and initiative? Share your story with others.