What’s Next

The Deeper/Wider generosity initiative is an invitation for each of us to take a deeper step of trust in God individually, believing he wants to make an even wider impact in and through our lives collectively.


Ask God how he would have you participate financially in Deeper/Wider.


If you currently support the church financially, consider what you can give above and beyond to Deeper/Wider for the next two years.


If you aren’t currently supporting the church financially on a regular basis, join us by committing to give a specific dollar amount to Deeper/Wider for the next two years.


Complete the commitment card and bring it to Advance Commitment Night on March 9 or Commitment Sunday on March 23.

Upcoming Events

Advance Commitment Night

March 9, 5:00 p.m.
North Point Community Church

Commitment Sunday

March 23
All Atlanta-Metro Churches

Celebration Sunday

April 19
All Atlanta-Metro Churches

Frequently Asked Questions

  • One hundred percent engagement means that we desire everyone who calls a North Point Ministries church home to lean in and prayerfully discern what it means to be fully engaged in what God is calling us to do during this season.

    We pray that the Deeper/Wider journey leads people into deeper engagement with God, his Word, and with one another during this season and beyond.

    Our prayer is that we will be “all in”—or 100% engaged—on letting God awaken our hearts so He can continue working in us and through us in this season.

  • During these two years, every gift given to North Point Ministries will be used for ongoing ministry at North Point Ministries and to invest in the vision God has given us for the future. We have broken it into three categories. To learn more about how we will steward the resources in each category, visit the Deeper/Wider homepage.

  • In short, there is no difference. The Deeper/Wider initiative is a two-year journey from April 2025 to April 2027. During these two years, every gift given to North Point Ministries will be used to both continue our ongoing ministries and invest in the vision God has given us for the future. Both priorities will be part of a single budget set by the elders in response to commitments we make during the Deeper/Wider initiative. So, when you give your tithe and offerings to North Point Ministries, you are giving to Deeper/Wider.

  • For anyone who is ready to make a commitment in advance, we invite you to attend Advance Commitment Night at North Point Community Church on Sunday, March 9, at 5:00 p.m. This event is for anyone at all of our Atlanta-area churches who wants to commit early.

    We will also have a Commitment Sunday at each of our eight Atlanta-area churches on Sunday, March 23, during our normal Sunday services.

  • You can start or update your giving at any time. The name of our general fund will change to “Deeper/Wider General Fund” on March 23.

    We are encouraging everyone engaged in the mission of Deeper/Wider to start their giving before our First Big Give/Celebration Sunday on April 13.

    • Online – Give a one-time gift or sign up to become a monthly donor through Pushpay, our online donation platform. 

    • Check — Checks can be mailed to our PO Box. North Point Ministries, PO Box 3300, Alpharetta, GA 30023-3300.

    • IRA/QCD Contributions — Please use or pass along the following information to your financial advisor:

      • North Point Ministries, Inc.

      • f/b/o Deeper Wider Initiative

      • EIN: 58-2203569

      • PO Box 3300, Alpharetta, GA 30023-3300

    • In Person — Cash and check donations can be made in-person at your local campus on Sundays. Give boxes are located on the walls at all of our campuses.

    • PayPal — You can easily give through the PayPal platform.  

    • Crypto Contributions — We also accept crypto currency contributions

    • Stock — If you wish to give stock gifts to North Point Ministries by electronic transfer, please give your broker the account name, account number, and DTC number for our Charles Schwab account. The church maintains an account with Charles Schwab & Company in the name of North Point Ministries, Inc. Our Schwab account number is 6716-7663 and the DTC number is 0164. The tax identification for North Point Ministries, Inc. is 58-2203569. The mailing address for donations is PO Box 3300, Alpharetta, GA 30023-3300. If your broker needs any information from us, please have them contact Kristen Cruse at 678-892-5414.

      In order for us to give you proper credit for your contribution, please fill out this form.

    Please reach out to our Accounting team with any questions.