
Our commitment to creating outward-facing churches requires an additional commitment to internal innovation. As the world changes, we must keep seeking to understand the people we want to reach and modifying our approach to reach them.

This means investing in new physical and digital solutions with the potential to accelerate our ability to engage people in the life and mission of the local church—not just our churches, but churches throughout our Irresistible Church Network. We are very excited about two solutions in particular.

Reaching the Unreachable

Faith in America is at a crossroads. For the first time in history, less than half of Americans—just 44%—identify as religious.

This isn’t just about affiliation or attendance. For millions of people, faith no longer feels relevant to their lives. If this trend continues, Generation Alpha—those born between 2012 and 2024—could become the first fully post-Christian generation in American history.

At Your Move Collective, we believe this growing need is also a growing opportunity. Every day, people go online searching for answers—seeking fulfillment, connection, or purpose. They’re not expecting to find Jesus in those moments, but that’s exactly where we meet them.

Our mission is to engage the Religiously Unaffiliated with the teaching of Jesus. We do this by leveraging the power of big data to connect with them in personal and meaningful ways. Just as Amazon engages people to buy something they didn’t know they wanted, YMC engages people to discover someone they didn’t know they needed—Jesus.

How It Works

See Happiness Ad
We capture their interest through targeted ads for the Happiness Assessment.

Take Assessment
Participants complete the Happiness Assessment, receiving scores in five key areas: Work, Money, Personal Development, Relationships, and Purpose.

Engage with Tailored Content
Participants receive personalized resources that directly address their self-identified needs and are designed to ensure consistent progress on the journey.

Rethink God, Faith, and Jesus
The journey concludes with the Discovering Jesus Tool Kit, inviting individuals to explore Jesus on their own terms and connect with a local Irresistible Church Network church.

Personal Digital Pathways

Deepening Local Church Engagement

Our mission is to inspire people to follow Jesus by engaging them in the life and mission of the church. One of the greatest untapped opportunities we have for increasing our engagement is in the digital space. Through the Deeper/Wider Initiative, we will create a digital resource designed to curate a personal pathway to engage people in life-changing ministry.

We will no longer be limited to broad hit-or-miss promotions for communicating solutions to the challenges of life. We will be able to match solutions to needs and match opportunities to giftedness.

In addition to these two initiatives, we will continue to innovate in everything we do. And as always, we’ll keep our eyes on the horizon for new unforeseen opportunities.

The Financial Need

Innovation often comes with a hefty price tag, but its value compounds over time. Our current ministry model has served us well, but our long-term potential requires us to innovate. The development of these solutions will cost $16 million.

Mission Advancement